August 27 of Arise with Christ

A candle high and lifted up

Lift up your voices and shout.
What you hear in your ear in secret declare ye on the housetops.
Come! Let us reason together saith the Lord.
Wait upon Me and I will pour out My Spirit upon you and instill in you the message of hope.
Hear Me when I speak to you in secret when you are alone with Me.
What you hear Me speak to you in secret declare ye openly for all to hear.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not a kingdom of dark shadows and secret sayings.
It is a Kingdom of Light placed high on a mountain to shine forth its light for all to see.
Lift up your voices and speak openly of the words I have spoken to you.
Be like a candle high and lifted up shedding its light for all to see.
© 08/27/2001 Jim Welch
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